Finally this fall I was given the opportunity to try a knitting machine.

Finally this fall I was given the opportunity to try a knitting machine.
Reflections on the whole me-made clothing phenomenon.
Just in time for madememay and with only a few minor delays, may I present my Improv cardigan, improvised for yours truly as part of the Fringe Association KAL last autumn to make the most of two beautiful big skeins of pink linen. The pattern starts with bear claw lace and lots of short rows, […]
February Finished Objects: A Rowan Sweater, Hedgehog Fibres Hat, and a patchwork pillow!
Two weeks ago I finished up with knitting the last of my Christmas presents. I’m always a bit behind, which is why I only get around to knitting for myself in late winter. It’s not often you mentally calculate the list of people-to-knit-for and come up short… so! I have two months of winter left and I want to […]
You know how lace scarves are suddenly everywhere? It’s like you can’t be a knitter unless you’re draping some lacey shawl around your neck. Well I’d never knit lace (and I wasn’t committed enough to fork out for a fancy pattern) so when I decided to knit a lacey number of my own I took it […]
Today is the first day in a while where I have been able to sit on my couch all day to work on job applications. Last month, it was time to be more proactive in my job hunt. I went out and found a nanny job, a cat-sitting gig and have been picking up shifts […]
Back at the knitting, waiting for the rain… 1. Warm Woolly socks (2/3 the way there!) 2. Plain slouchy beret (wool purchased+pattern found) 3. Complicated socks (wool purchased+pattern found) 4. Entrelac socks (hmm… making this pattern for a guy might be tricky) 5. Christmas: socks, socks, and more socks 6. Yet Another Cardigan
life changes one day at a time sitting listening to the rain with a productivity candle burning getting better posture from practice wearing that bracelet which reads, Live in the Moment thinking on the future and accepting the ways things are the food revolution continues: my first batch of kombucha! weeding garlic beds for a while or not. […]
made soup again (unintentionally) for dinner this week, and I think it was my favourite yet. tomatoes coconut milk parsley (add early) chinese 5 spice thyme s&p celery onion garlic Nearly finished with a small case using the most complicated knitting stitch ever. It is called woven basket stitch. You knit into the back of […]