If you’re sick of curried lentils or that one recipe with carrot and lemon, try this.

If you’re sick of curried lentils or that one recipe with carrot and lemon, try this.
Tonight I had a big pot of ham and lentils on the boil for dinner, which was healthy and used up some leftovers. It tasted good but it wasn’t good enough alone. So as it simmered, I asked my mother if she had a biscuit recipe… Jill: there is only one! on the back of the baking powder […]
been LOVING the east street market all summer long. There’s a market closer to the flat, but East Street has an amazing vibe. And amazing prices. I knew we had found a winner when the fridge would close on all the fruit and veg and we had only spent 10 POUNDS. So there’s been a lot […]
a long while ago now, I started transitioning away from being purely vegetarian. First along was a whole roast chicken dinner. Then came bacon. Not long after that, I simply ordered a steak. I’ve never been one for absolutes and I absolutely hated turning down kind-hearted meals from a generous host simply because they didn’t know. […]
Within a day this week I used up 250 grams of butter, and that is the largest increment in which it is sold here. I really wish butter was sold by the pound like it is at home. But don’t take this to mean that Londoners don’t love butter as I do. Most of my […]
Out of last week’s slump, and into new territory. This was a good weekend for hanging out with myself and enjoying where I am now. My neighbor and I explored the vicinity of UCD. Dundrum shopping cenre is only an hour’s walk away! All in all it was a precious glimpse into the last decades’ […]