AM I an invasive species here, where I have chosen to live..

AM I an invasive species here, where I have chosen to live..
Finally this fall I was given the opportunity to try a knitting machine.
From October 2018, these lines were pulled together quickly during a weekly Ó Bheal poetry challenge in Cork city, and continue to resonate with me an ex-pat living in Ireland throughout the Trump and Brexit years.
Reflections on the whole me-made clothing phenomenon.
One thing I’d been anticipating about moving to Washington, DC is the chance to finally visit all the Smithsonians. My only memory of visiting the Smithsonian back in the day is the Air and Space museum, not exactly my cup of tea now. I pictured spending my days in the National Museum of the American […]
Just in time for madememay and with only a few minor delays, may I present my Improv cardigan, improvised for yours truly as part of the Fringe Association KAL last autumn to make the most of two beautiful big skeins of pink linen. The pattern starts with bear claw lace and lots of short rows, […]
When we nearly missed the boat on my first holiday to an Irish island.
It turns out blogging is good for accountability. As is le weekend. After being all inspired last week, I decided it was finally time to do something about my garden.
Bluebells in May, Anjelica in June, the hedgerows in Ireland are coming into bloom. My own garden in Cork just getting going and its very inspiring to be surrounded by the wild mess of flowers on every road. What happens after inspiration? How do you make your life more beautiful and useful?
February Finished Objects: A Rowan Sweater, Hedgehog Fibres Hat, and a patchwork pillow!