AM I an invasive species here, where I have chosen to live..

AM I an invasive species here, where I have chosen to live..
From October 2018, these lines were pulled together quickly during a weekly Ó Bheal poetry challenge in Cork city, and continue to resonate with me an ex-pat living in Ireland throughout the Trump and Brexit years.
To coincide with my last day on the job, there is a side project I’ve been developing for a few months at the gallery… I’ve written a catalogue about comparative charts and maps from the 19th Century, more commonly known as Victorian Infographics. Writing this has been a labor of love dedicated to some bizarre […]
In September 2011 when I began my studies in International History at Columbia University, I was amazed to see the orientation sessions filled with so many other young MA students like myself. New graduate programs are proliferating at American Universities. There are few statistics available yet about where today’s graduates go on to apply their […]
the problem with cities is that their trains become our riverstheir shops our seasonswe know thissubways make the breezesidewalks make dust not dirtthe only thing real is the sunthe only thing fake is this reasoning is there any way to mediatesuburbs town-country sprawlcommutefarmcombinecommunewe are trying sooooooooo hard but where is it ever good enough that […]
waking up to spring only to step out into winterthe cold lingers and II just want to hang my coats up in a different closet the best part about choice isit begins when I decidea single momenttransformed by confidence
Back in London for the homestretch of my masters. Typing it up til spring. The past few weeks have been wonderful. I went “home” for Christmas, although our Christmas holidays were actually hosted by my sister in Canada. Then over New Year’s, my sister and I flew down to Seattle and helped my Dad pack up the house. It was dusty, […]
paint the town red paint my toes geranium knit with kpppm 1100 and blush! seeing through another’s eyes I’ve drifted towards armpits beaches suburbs and of course, restaurants, 8 days left and 5 visitors subsequently arrive good thing I have a doorstep I’ve found the best pirogi in all of new york and brought back […]
left the cultural capital for to see the heartland back in time for fireworks at lady liberty’s feet another kind of flickr marathon heat wave learning how to life another life simpler sampler
UPDATE: When you Do drop an entire bottle of olive oil, sprinkle oatmeal over the entire area and you’ll be amazed by how quickly it soaks up the oil. I have learned my lesson – whenever random shit happens, first check google for appropriate advice. Weather patterns blow through here faster than anywhere else I’ve spent time. […]