Category: Cooking

ready to eat

made soup again (unintentionally) for dinner this week, and I think it was my favourite yet. tomatoes coconut milk parsley (add early) chinese 5 spice thyme s&p celery onion garlic Nearly finished with a small case using the most complicated knitting stitch ever. It is called woven basket stitch. You knit into the back of […]

folding and kneading

Our first dinner tonite turned out amazing. I mean, living in California is AMAZING. Artichokes in winter?? All the produce is seasonal and beautiful. MENU: seitan, chicken cacciatore, artichokes (I accidentally typed architecture instead, whoops!), broccoli, roast carrots parsnips and potatoes, rosemary bread and dipping oil. There was pineapple walnut cake with cream cheese frosting […]

it was locked

Did you know there is a red port-a-potty a little over halfway across the Golden Gate Bridge? Only construction workers use it now; it was locked! The Golden Gate was built in 1933 and the cables were spun by the same engineers who designed the Brooklyn Bridge built back in 1883! If you stop to look, there […]

Exploring suburbia

Out of last week’s slump, and into new territory. This was a good weekend for hanging out with myself and enjoying where I am now. My neighbor and I explored the vicinity of UCD. Dundrum shopping cenre is only an hour’s walk away! All in all it was a precious glimpse into the last decades’ […]