The academic term just ended so apparently only 12 weeks have passed since I was home in Seattle over Christmas. But you know, it feels like a lot longer. I have been heads down with my final assignments of graduate school and narrowing down even further the focus of my research. I can’t tell you […]
Category: traveling

It’s been snowing since I got up this morning and in fact it’s been snowing very nearly since Friday morning. In honor of our white weekend I shall delay a commentary on postmodern architecture in London. I went out for some exercise this afternoon and ended up doing a photoshoot of the snowmen in Hyde […]

Back in London for the homestretch of my masters. Typing it up til spring. The past few weeks have been wonderful. I went “home” for Christmas, although our Christmas holidays were actually hosted by my sister in Canada. Then over New Year’s, my sister and I flew down to Seattle and helped my Dad pack up the house. It was dusty, […]

oxford at christmas
there is nothing so wonderful as good company, good music and the prospect of good tidings at home. Welcome Yule!

physical energy
November has come and gone. London plane trees left their fallen offerings all over the sidewalks, never being swept away and turning into rain sodden street stickers which have only just disappeared. There has been less time for kitchen adventures, although more weekend getaways and I have the photos to prove it. I have been […]

Rome wasn’t built in a day.
Over the weekend we housemates managed to hop on a train out of town down to Lyme Regis. Spent most of my time on the beach and enjoyed chatting up fishermen and fossil hunters. Saw three rainbows. What with my seminar schedule this term I am finding I have a lot of spare time on […]
Atypical negativity: The less useful or important something is here the more likely it is to work. Two days ago I saw London fog for the first time and now I’m afraid I’ll never see anything else again. And as my metaphorical motivation has returned: Fall arrived suddenly as if a thousand trees were struck […]

rabbit hole
Part 2 of my program commences, with the same peers and the same project but in an entirely different place. helloooo LONDON! I nearly forgot how much it rains here. No post of mine would be complete without an observation of the weather, especially in England where such banalities serve to begin, entertain, and end any […]

Today I
dreamt big wore 5 different shades of pink did blackberry yoga and thought about the just desserts of summer: a whole month with my sis taking my pie art to the next level (featuring the crane I befriended on my daily swim) an ode to the thunderstorms I weathered this summer Further noteworthy aspects of being […]

The first and last months I had in New York City have been among the best in a year full of bests. I feel so lucky to have had this time. My work this summer has been challenging and interesting, with enough good people around to spice up a social life otherwise diminished by absence. […]